Jesus promises that the old will pass away, and He will make everything new. This promise of renewal is something we experienced in very tangible ways this past year.
Our precious kids continue to receive a new life in a safe and loving home under the care of our dedicated house mothers, and the leadership of our local Home From Home partners.
To help our children with their emotional and educational development, Home From Home, launched a new “narrow and deep” therapeutic and educational program to assess and address the individual psychological and educational needs of our children.
We made several new upgrades to the homes and property to provide an additional layer of security for the long term safety and protection of the kids and house mothers.
New furniture and audio visual equipment were added to our multi-purpose home to promote more social interaction between the kids and assist with their after school studies and activities.
We celebrated a new chapter in the life of Sizo with her recent wedding. Sizo joined us from 2009 to 2015 as one of the early teenage girls to live in our Tapestry Homes. She came to us as a shy, insecure, untrusting and alone teenage girl. It warms our hearts to see how she has blossomed into a beautiful, loving, English-speaking, Christian young lady, and now a wife!
And, our dear friend and renowned South African artist, Teresa Decinti, blessed us with a new form of fundraising. She recently held an exhibition at her Stellenbosch gallery and dedicated a portion of her proceeds to Tapestry Homes.
Our hearts are filled with gratitude for God’s continued provision and hand of grace upon our Tapestry Homes Family. He is making all things new!
To learn more, please check-out the photos and captions below.
New Furnishings!
Upgrades to the multi-purpose home include new sofas, bean-bag chairs, carpet, TV and DVR player
Sizo Gets Married!
Security Upgrades
Security upgrades include replacing a metal picket fence with a concrete wall, home security systems for each home, motion sensor lights, and nighttime security patrols.
Tapestry Homes Exhibition
Thank You!
Of course, none of this would be possible without the continuing support of our generous donors. Thanks for joining with us to make an eternal difference in the lives of these beautiful children by making a donation.
Wishing you a Blessed Christmas and New Year.
Cliff and Rose
Tapestry Homes